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A decrease in blood volume (hypovolemia) causes a sharp decrease in pressure, the release of active hormones, endocrine imbalance and digestive regulation.

Collapse is an acute cardiovascular insufficiency that leads to death.

A dumping attack begins with an acute manifestation of pepcid of hyperglycemia. The person feels dizzy, severe weakness, sudden perspiration, nausea, trembling, retching. Loss of consciousness during a dumping attack. Pathogenesis (the mechanism of the development of the disease and its manifestations) in late dumping syndrome is due to the fact that hyperglycemia provokes a sharp release of insulin, which, in turn, lowers blood sugar. There is hypoglycemia (acute glucose deficiency) and a condition similar to hypoglycemic coma in diabetic patients with the threat of subsequent collapse.

Studies have shown that after taking glucose, milk, proteins, sour cream, mixed food, the release of norepinephrine increases, which aggravates the panic state of the body, causing spasm of the vessels of the heart, brain and intestines.

The indicators of the electrocardiogram made at the peak of famotidine pills indicate a temporary violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle, its contractions and metabolism. There is a decrease in the function of the blood to absorb and carry oxygen to the tissues, as a result of which hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) develops. The more severe the manifestations of the dumping syndrome, the more changes occur in the composition of the blood.

Connection of the stomach stump after resection with the small intestine. In healthy people, the gradual promotion of the contents of the stomach and prolonged digestion prevents the development of dumping manifestations. However, a predisposition to dumping syndrome is observed in 1 out of 10 apparently healthy people who have not undergone abdominal surgery. Mild symptoms usually appear after eating. Incorrect motility of the small intestine and the rapid entry of glucose into the blood in these cases is associated with a violation of the hormonal balance of the small intestine.

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Diet, psycho-emotional state have a serious impact on the frequency of dumping reactions and the severity of pepcid pills. These symptoms are sometimes so intense that the patient is forced to lie down. As a rule, the symptoms of a dumping attack are not limited to the sympathoadrenal or vagoinsular form; a mixed variant is usually observed. Classification by time of occurrence. Symptoms appear 10 to 20 minutes after a meal, usually consisting of dairy or sugary foods. The clinical picture is expressed in the following.
  • The patient's condition is so weak that he is forced to lie down.
  • Excessive release of insulin in response to buy famotidine online increase in glucose levels. Drop in blood sugar below critical values.

An increase in blood sugar after eating during the early stages of a dumping attack.

After a meal rich in carbohydrates (chocolate, pastries, cereals), the symptoms quickly subside as hypoglycemia due to diabetes. The attack lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The development of an attack is often provoked by food in liquid and semi-liquid form - milk, tea, liquid cereals, kissels, soup, compote, as well as hot and cold dishes. Diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis data analysis, examination, provocative test, radiography of the stomach and duodenum.